VETSDIRECT LIMITED t/a The Vet Connection – Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions govern the use of Pet Expert Chat services, provided by The Vet Connection (“Services”). Your use of the Services constitutes your agreement to be bound by the Terms and Conditions (as modified), which can be modified at any time without notice. The last date these Terms and Conditions were revised was 30th August 2023.
Pet Expert Chat provided by The Vet Connection Terms and Conditions
The Services are provided by Vetsdirect Limited t/a The Vet Connection (Company Number SC230445) of Registered Office c/o Dickson Minto, 16 Charlotte square, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4DF (“Vetsdirect”).
Use of Pet Expert Chat required confirmation of a current Pet Plan Insurance Policy to receive the Services, which are operated by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) registered veterinary professionals.
The Services are not a replacement for emergency veterinary services, and it is to be used for general advice only and is not intended to replace a physical examination by a Veterinarian If you need emergency assistance, you should take your pet to the nearest emergency Veterinary Practice.
You agree that any advice provided by Pet Expert Chat via Vetsdirect’s team, is limited in the absence of hands-on examination of the pet. You hereby acknowledge and accept the limitations and risks of providing information relating to a pet that has not had a physical examination.
You agree that no Veterinarian-Client-Patient-Relationship (“VCPR”) is established in connection with the Services. You agree that a VCPR is only established with a hands-on visit to your veterinarian.
You should never disregard medical advice received from our primary Veterinarian(s) because of information provided to you through these Services.
The Services are designed to assist you with making care decision regarding your pet. Vetsdirect does not represent that any health, behaviour, wellness suggestions, or recommendations provided will be safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. Any advice provided by Vetsdirect is for your decision support purposes to assist you in making a care decision for your pet only.
Vetsdirect staff cannot prescribe or recommend medications, provide diagnosis, provide “2nd opinions”, or provide any other medical advice that necessitates a corresponding physical examination and /or VCPR.
By supplying your telephone number and email address, you have given consent to be contacted at the number you provided (including via a video link and /or text message) so Vetsdirect team can assist you with your questions and you hereby expressly consent to any such communications and to have such calls monitored and/or recorded for record-keeping, compliance, security and staff training and quality purposes.
You may bot record by video or audio, in whole or in part any consultation / interaction with Vetsdirect staff.
You expressly agree that the use of the services is at your own risk. Vetsdirect do not make express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever with respect to the services. Vetsdirect disclaim all warranties of any kind, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fit for purpose, title and non-infringement with regard to the services. Vetsdirect do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the services provided. The site and the services are provided on a “as is” and “as available” basis.
In no event will Vetsdirect be liable for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any direct, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or other indirect damages, arising out of (1) the use of or inability to use the services or the site, (2) any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the services provided, or (3) your reliance on advice derived by use of the services, (4) any other matter relating to the services or the site even if they have been advised of the possibilities of such damages. If you are dissatisfied with the services or the terms and conditions, discontinue using the services. The liability of vetsdirect is limited and warranties are excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law.